Cryptograms and interactive news for amateur and professional cryptanalysts
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I hope you enjoy breaking these cryptograms as much as I enjoyed making them.
— Bill Briere
Want to break real codes? If you're a U.S. citizen, you might consider working for the National Security Agency. (If you think they're all a bunch of old guys in dark suits without personalities, think again!)
It's an adult Hemiscolopendra marginata (Florida blue centipede), common in the southeastern U.S. This one was found in Tennessee -- ordering a custom-made, 40-pedaled Raleigh Retroglide cruiser.
The terms "hundred-footer" and "thousand-footer" are often used interchangeably.
Not in my world. My mother was a school teacher, and her mother was a school teacher, and her mother was a school teacher - all the way back to Priscilla Mullins, the schoolteacher on the Mayflower.
A bike with a thousand pedals?
Looks more like a centipede, to me.
It's an adult Hemiscolopendra marginata (Florida blue centipede), common in the southeastern U.S. This one was found in Tennessee -- ordering a custom-made, 40-pedaled Raleigh Retroglide cruiser.
Are you pettifogging today?
The centipede and millipede rarely live up to their names. The terms "hundred-footer" and "thousand-footer" are often used interchangeably.
The terms "hundred-footer" and "thousand-footer" are often used interchangeably.
Not in my world. My mother was a school teacher, and her mother was a school teacher, and her mother was a school teacher - all the way back to Priscilla Mullins, the schoolteacher on the Mayflower.
Arrant pedantry runs in my blood.
Amen! How can I possibly compete with the Pilgrims?
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