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I hope you enjoy breaking these cryptograms as much as I enjoyed making them.
— Bill Briere
Want to break real codes? If you're a U.S. citizen, you might consider working for the National Security Agency. (If you think they're all a bunch of old guys in dark suits without personalities, think again!)
My daughter got eliminated on an easy word, "oriole," which she had never come across. I guess there are consequences for not properly exposing a child to the world of professional baseball!
Now that really is clever.
Yes, very intriguing cryp!
I solved it sans plume and the identity mapping M=M threw me off at first.
Thanks, guys.
In the interest of tidying this one up for posterity, plaintext m now equals ciphertext B.
My 12-year-old was practicing for a spelling bee last night, so that's where the idea for this cryp came from.
Cryptopop - solving sans plume, was your fist crack "BPKKZGRRK"?
Did you not consider that it might be "millwheel"?
My first try was "MPKKZGRRK" and "misspells" initially came to mind but I initially ignored it because of the identity mapping.
I did not think of "millwheel" but if I had I would have ignored that also.
I realize that same letter substitution is valid but not traditional in sim subs.
Thanks... that was fun. Not only learned how to spell but I picked up a few pointers about "Apis mellifera mellifera".
Hope your 12 year old did well on the spelling bee.
Mark, glad you liked it.
My daughter got eliminated on an easy word, "oriole," which she had never come across. I guess there are consequences for not properly exposing a child to the world of professional baseball!
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